
Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting started with Microsoft Excel Macros

I’ve had many readers contact me explaining how they want to start creating macros for Excel to automate their work but they just don’t know where or how to begin. In order to help out I’ve created a short PowerPoint presentation called “Getting started with Microsoft Excel Macros.” I uploaded the ppt to SlideShare where you can download it for free and it’s embedded below.

This introduction to macros quickly covers topics such as why use macros, programming basics, how to create your first macro, the drawbacks of using the macro recorder, troubleshooting, and more.

I’d love to get your feedback on this. Would you like to see more PowerPoint presentations like this or not? Do you have any questions about getting started with Microsoft Excel macros?

1 comment:

  1. I run a cattle farm and the cattle of various sizes are fed each day an amount of food based on their bode weight or Biomass.

    As body weight goes up the formula for the amount of feed fed is calculated as a percentage of body weight and that percentage of body weight fed changes as the individual body weight goes up, over time.
    I need to create a formula to fill a cell based on the varying body weight ranges.
    Body weight ranges (catagories) are: 1 to 6 lbs (3%), 7 to 11 lbs (2%), 12 to 17lbs (1.5%), 18 to 26lbs (0.8%), 27 to 32lbs (0.65%), 33 to 115lbs (0.5%) and over 116lbs (0.5%). The precentages of feed for each category is shown in (brachets) which is the multiplication factor for each weight range. I need a formula that looks at the cell from the weight column, defaults to the correct multiplication factor for that weight range, and multiplies the weight by the appropriate feed multiplication factor or %. Can you help?


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