
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Excel Help Milestone: One Million Pageviews!

Today we reached a milestone here at Excel Spreadsheets Help blog - we've now had over ONE MILLION pageviews! Yeah, it’s taken a few years to reach this point but it still feels like a huge achievement. I started this blog in December of 2009, almost five years ago now - a lifetime in internet years. While I know there are thousands of other websites out there with much MUCH higher traffic, reaching this milestone made me quite happy, as this is a blog only I have worked on and just in my spare time.

At the beginning of this year I recommitted myself to this blog. I promised to deliver the same templates I always do (all the yearly sports spreadsheets) but also to post more tips and tricks that many of you have asked for and is why I wrote about the 11 best YouTube channels to learn Excel and Excel keyboard shortcuts you need to know. There’s many more Excel tips in the pipeline too.

I noticed there are now 220 articles on this blog (equivalent to the length of a 600-page book!), but looking in my Drafts folder, I see there are many unwritten ones waiting for further details or the right time to share them. More of them get added every day, sometimes originating as part of email conversations I have with many of you.

Thus, I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you. Without you and your comments, and kind emails, I never would have reached this point. Without your encouragement I would've quit a long time ago so for that I can’t thank you enough! Here’s to the next million pageviews!

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