
Thursday, March 6, 2014

11 Best Excel Video Tutorial Channels

No matter how proficient you are with the computer, learning Excel is something that takes time, dedication, and the right teacher. You may have plenty of the first two, but finding the right teacher can often take huge amounts of time, especially if you live in an area that is far away from a major city.

Fortunately, learning Excel has never been easier, with so many resources available online. If you go to YouTube, there are a number of people who will walk you through basic and advanced features of Excel in easy to understand videos. I’ve made a few Excel video tutorials myself but admittedly haven’t put a lot of time into them. There are, however, some other individuals producing outstanding content. That being said, some Excel channels are simply a waste of time, so for your convenience I’ve listed below the 11 best Excel video tutorial channels (in no particular order) that will save you time and frustration when trying to learn how to use this amazing program.


11 videos tutorials to learn excel

HowCast Excel

For many people, Excel is something new that they might not even be really sure how to use yet. If this describes you, and you are looking for a great way to really understand Excel as an application before diving any deeper, HowCast has the way to do it. Their collection of very easy-to-follow guides will show you how to navigate specific aspects of Excel, so that you can begin using this program to the fullest extent possible.



Ilan Patao

If, like many people, you are trying to learn Excel to improve your efficiency at work, then this channel is a must. Ilan will walk you through many of the most important aspects of Excel in his videos. It's interesting to note that while not all of his videos are Excel-oriented, they all have a focus on taking care of business-related tasks. This is a welcome departure from many other Excel videos where all they show you how to do is to count apples or oranges.




Motion Training is a great resource for learning Excel. It makes this list because it has a very structured approach to helping Excel beginners quickly become skilled at working with Excel.



If you're looking for something more regimented, this YouTube channel is built around teaching you how to complete specific tasks in short, 3 to 4 minute videos. This is a great channel to look at if you are running into problems with a specific part of Excel and are looking for a dedicated video to show you how to get past it.


Bill Jelen a.k.a “Mr Excel”

You may find that when you're learning Excel, you might have a few questions about different aspects of the program, or how to complete something specific that you haven't yet found in a video. If that's the case, Bill Jelen is here to help you. He has an incredibly diverse YouTube channel consisting of over 1600 videos, many of them answering specific questions that his viewers have asked him about how to use Excel. This is a great place to go to for specific help on a question that actual users have.


Excel is Hell

If you’ve spent any time around Excel, you may feel the same way. This channel will help you figure out how to do some of the things that really make Excel difficult, while simplifying your life at the same time.


Excel is Fun

On the other side of the aisle from the last channel, you have people who think the exact opposite about this popular Microsoft program. Instead of focusing on solving the problems that make Excel very difficult, this channel will help show you how fun Excel can be, showing you some "magic tricks" that you can use to do incredible things in Excel that you didn't think were possible.




Of course, learning Excel doesn't just end at formulas and formatting; VBA is an extremely powerful scripting language that you can use to make Excel do pretty much anything that you want. If you've ever seen an incredibly powerful spreadsheet, especially one with buttons, it's likely that there was some VBA involved in making it. Visit this YouTube channel to learn more about how you too can integrate VBA into your Excel spreadsheets and take your Excel use to the next level.


Khan Academy

If you spent time learning Excel from some of the channels that we've mentioned, then you may be looking for a way for you that you can apply it in a more advanced manner. While the courses listed on this YouTube page are not specifically focused on using Excel, they will give you a great introduction to using Excel in other areas (specifically mathematically-oriented ones). Unlike many of the other channels, the Khan Academy courses are much more focused on theoretical exercises rather than helping you solve actual problems with Excel.


Danny Rocks

Whether you've been looking for a tutorial on how to create a dashboard in Excel, or you need an introduction to pivot tables or shortcuts, Danny is the person to teach you. He has a unique style that you will learn to love after watching a few of his Excel videos.


10 Minute Training

Maybe you only have a few minutes to spare on your lunch break, but that doesn't mean you can't learn something about Excel! All of these Excel videos are designed to take less than 10 minutes to watch, giving you important knowledge in a very truncated timeframe. While many of the videos on other channels are also under 10 minutes, this is one of the only channels that you will find where every video is specifically under this important hurdle.


No matter what your skill level is with Excel, these videos will teach you everything that you need to know about working with this incredible program. Whether you have one minute or 100, you can learn something about Excel by just taking a look at one of the channels provided.

Even though there are number of channels on the list above, you may find that one YouTube instructor caters more to your current knowledge base or teaching style (and is why I didn’t list them in any particular order, different strokes and all that). Even if you like one or more of the instructors right away, it's important to take a look at all of the channels to find someone who is right for you.

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